MRS Digital Blog

What’s Good, What’s Great and What’s New

We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • Search Updates May 2021

    In our monthly search update blog, we outline the main updates and changes within the search engine landscape for May, whether they’re minor or major. This month, Google has made some algorithm updates alongside an interesting LGBTQ themed update from Yelp ahead of Pride Month. Read on to find out more.   Google Adds Links To Featured Snippets Leading Back To Google Search Results  Google has begun adding links to […]

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  • What Are Zero-Click Searches and Why Should You Care?

    Zero-click searches are queries that users input within a search engine that don’t lead to a click on a web property. Discover why they occur and their impact.

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  • Search Updates April 2021

    In our monthly search update blog, we’ll outline the main updates and changes within search for that month, whether they’re minor or major. This month, we’ve seen some important updates, including the postpone of the Google Page Experience Update, the evolution of zero-click search, and more, read on to discover more on this month’s updates. […]

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  • What Happened on Social Media in April 2021?

    Facebook Facebook Adds Scheduling Feature for STORIES! This month, Facebook finally announced a new feature for it’s business suite users, much to the joy of paid social advertisers! You can now schedule stories for both Facebook & Instagram. The new option will allow users to create stories within the Facebook Business Suite app, then schedule them to […]

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  • How to Get Featured Snippets in Google in 2023

    Position 0 is the new position 1. With voice search still gaining momentum, featured snippets are more valuable than ever. Discover how to get featured.

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  • How to Guest Blog in 2022

    Having the opportunity to write a guest article for a prestigious website is an exciting honour for any blogger or content writer. But, beyond the personal satisfaction of publishing in new spaces, earning guest articles is essential to a business’s digital marketing strategy. 10 Guest Blogging Tips Know your stuff Network, network, network! Send a […]

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  • What Happened on Social Media in March 2021? 

    Facebook Updates March 2021 Facebook is Working on an Instagram for Kids  Facebook is reportedly working on a new version of Instagram, specifically designed for kids. Instagram currently blocks any users under the age of 13 from signing up to create an account, although many children are joining the app and lying about their ages. This is so common in fact, […]

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  • Social Media Updates February 2021

    What Happened on Social Media in February 2021?   It’s been another eventful month for the world of social media, with LinkedIn announcing a range of new initiatives to support health organizations in maximizing their vaccine distribution efforts, Facebook banning news in Australia and Twitter launching a live test of voice recordings in DMs, have a read on to find out what the social channels have been up […]

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  • What Happened on Social Media in January 2021? 

    Our social round-up is back and better than ever in 2021 and a few of our favourite channels are making changes again to their platforms this month, including minor tweaks to major updates. From Twitter re-branding itself after five years of enjoying the same, steady design, to LinkedIn’s Story new Swipe-Up feature, and Facebook’s various rollouts, 2021 has been off to a busy start.   Read on to discover how the social channels have developed so far in 2021…   Facebook Updates January 2021    Facebook Begins Rolling Out ‘Facebook […]

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