MRS Digital Blog

What’s Good, What’s Great and What’s New

We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • Christmas Marketing Naughty And Nice List

    Have you been good this year? Christmas is the time for mince pies, too much turkey and reflecting on the year as you tipple a little ‘Christmas spirit’. Are you worthy of being on the Nice List this year? If you’re unsure, fear not! We’ve created a list of digital marketing do’s and don’ts that […]

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  • 2016 Round Up

    17 Years and counting. See what we got up to this year. (Click to view in a new window)  

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  • How Well Is Your Business Using Its Data?

    Your marketing is only as good as your data and the insight that you can get from it. Businesses of all scales create data, which when utilised effectively can be used to improve their company’s performance. What should you be doing in order to make better use of your data? Setting Up Your Web Analytics […]

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  • A Brief History of Search Engines

    Google recently turned 18 years old (they grow up so fast…) and the search engine remains the UK’s favourite means of scouring the web. But do you remember any of the previous means of searching online? Take a trip down memory lane and explore some of the other notable avenues of search that will leave […]

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  • The 5 Hard And Fast Rules Of Social Media

    The social media landscape is always changing. It is constantly disrupted by new players, new memes and the ever evolving whims of users. That means there are very few hard and fast rules to cling to. However, if we have learned anything from the social media gaffs of 2016, it is that there are at […]

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  • Act Now! New AdWords Changes Are Coming

    Update Google has extended the deadline for creating and editing the old style ads to the 31 of January, 2017. Google will stop accepting new standard text ads after October 26th If you haven’t changed your Google text ads, you should start right now. From October 26th, you will no longer be able to create or […]

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  • MRS Had A Party!

    MRS Digital just had our yearly employee barbeque. We get together every summer to celebrate our amazing employees, eat wonderful barbeque food and play games. As always, the event was hosted at the home of our lovely director, Carol Blackford-Mills. The party started off with some drinks and a quick but very dizzy ride on […]

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  • Facebook Is Cracking Down On Clickbaiters…

    … and you won’t believe reason #7! Just kidding. But yes, Facebook is going after not just the clickbait articles, but the publishers themselves. This could doom all their content to the nether reaches of the News Feed Abyss. Clickbait articles fill a unique space in internet marketing. On the one hand, we’re all jaded […]

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  • 11 Warning Signs of a Bad SEO Agency

    If you are in the market for SEO, you know that prices can range from worryingly cheap to eye wateringly expensive. If you find a good SEO agency, they will provide a consistent SEO improvement that helps your business for years to come. This includes traffic increases, higher rankings in Google and more money in […]

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