MRS Digital Blog

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We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • The Ultimate Content Grouping Masterclass

    Google Analytics has a lovely feature that allows you to group content for easy analysis. The imaginatively titled Content Grouping function allows you to report on aggregated metrics for particular types of content. This gives you deeper insight into your traffic and content performance. This content grouping masterclass will run you through the basics of […]

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  • Discover Your Top Channels With Attribution Models

    Tracking customer journeys is an essential part of marketing, and in the digital space it is both easier to do and far more useable. Understanding where customers are coming from and which marketing channels are working is an absolute must for intelligent use of marketing spend. And when it comes to tracking your customer journeys, […]

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  • 6 Secrets to the Perfect PPC Landing Page

    We’ve noticed that the most effective PPC landing pages share six common traits. These features are all designed to guide the user to a call to action that consistently converts. The best landing pages don’t just grab people’s attention. They offer value, reassure the customer, and are clear and easy to navigate. Most importantly, they […]

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  • Okay Google, How Do I Write for Voice Search in 2018?

    It’s 2018 and voice search is on the rise. In another couple of years, 50% of searches will use voice search. So, you need to make sure that your content is written in a way that best serves the needs of those searchers of tomorrow. How can you do that? TL;DR Be concise Be conversational […]

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  • Excel Shortcuts for Savvy Digital Marketers [CHEAT SHEET]

    Excel doesn’t have to be a minefield. Download our handy guide for the most used and most important Excel shortcuts that every digital marketer needs. Download Cheat Sheet Click here to get your FREE Excel Shortcut Guide Download for PC Download for Mac Most digital marketers have no idea how much Excel is going to […]

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  • How To Optimise Your Ads With Single Keyword Ad Groups [Guide]

    We’re all looking for that magic adjustment to take our PPC accounts to the next level. Sadly, there is no one-size-fits all formula. But one tactic gets more industry coverage than any other, and that is using SKAGs. What are SKAGs? SKAGs is an acronym that stands for Single Keyword Ad Groups. SKAGs refer to […]

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  • The Ultimate Guide To Upcycling Your Content

    So. You’ve written some great content. It’s well targeted, cleverly written and people love it. But you screwed up. You missed an opportunity. Do you think if your audience was frozen for 70 years they’d want to come back if your content was still the same? No! The question is, how are you going to […]

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  • Brighton SEO April 2018 Roundup – Slides Included

    The first Brighton SEO of 2018 is here! April’s event will bring delegates together to listen to the industry’s digital experts, with topics including content marketing, paid search, ecommerce, email marketing, analytics, ranking factors and much more. Here’s our roundup of the event as it happens, slides included. Check Out Our Previous Brighton SEO Roundups:Brighton […]

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  • What’s It Like To Be A Content Writer?

    That’s a tricky question to answer. Because content writers aren’t all the same, you know? You’ve got your domestic in-house writer, who’s working on one brand all day long. There’s the wild and lesser-spotted freelance content writer, who spends as much time pitching for work as writing it. Then there’s the agency content writer, who […]

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