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Learning at Work Week 2017: We’re Still Learning Every Day

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein

This week is Learning at Work Week (15th – 21st May 2017), and the theme this year is Curious and Creative. When the team at MRS found out, we knew that this theme was perfect for us! Although Learning at Work Week is all about development at work, for you as an individual and as part of a team, this process isn’t always as black and white as it sounds. This year’s theme really highlights the important role that curiosity and creativity plays in our learning. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be “creative”, the way your mind works is different to everyone else’s, the way you approach problem solving is unique, and this makes you creative!

Here at MRS, we’re all about learning and developing and helping each other out along the way. Learning is one of our core values:

Pursue Growth and Learning

Ideas for growth. Try something new.

But, alongside this, we understand how important it is to let ourselves be curious and creative. Without our creativity, we wouldn’t be reaching our full potential and inspiring ourselves and each other. After all, creativity is another one of our core values:

Deliver WOW Through Service

Be passionate and determined. Let creativity flow, be a bit weird!

Development, learning, curiosity and creativity all work together to drive the team here at MRS. All these qualities are encouraged within our work environment, which makes it all the more fun! Another reason it works so well is because we’re all so different. Every individual personality is welcomed into the mix so that we reach the best possible outcome. Only by encouraging individuality can we work together to provide the service we’re so proud about.

Web Team sitting in window

Not only does our creativity benefit our team, but it brings a little something special to the companies we have the pleasure of working with. We’re always aware that we work in the ever-changing, constantly evolving digital landscape. This means we need to make sure that we stay on top of our game so that our clients can too! That’s why our creative output, combined with our genuine curiosity about every industry we work with, makes sure that we produce fresh ideas that we can take to market.

There is so much to be said for creativity and curiosity in the workplace. Without it, our days would be full of nothing except following process and procedure. Now where’s the fun in that? Curiosity about what you do and the world around you keeps you exploring and learning, and creativity helps you overcome challenges and develop as a result. There’s isn’t a single work environment where these qualities don’t apply, so make sure you’re harnessing the power of curiosity and creativity!

In our opinion, the most important thing to remember in conjunction with Learning at Work Week is the best way to encourage learning and development is by celebrating it. This is something that we at MRS are proud to do. In our office, you’ll find our Glimpse of Brilliance Book. This book was created specifically to celebrate our team and our successes together. It’s there for us to look at any time, and serves as a permanent reminder of the things we’ve learnt and the fun we’ve had. We make one every year to map our journey!

By celebrating learning and developing at work, the team at MRS continue to inspire with our creative outlook and curious minds. With Learning at Work Week 2017 being about getting curious and creative, we’re taking the words that good ol’ Einstein once said to heart:

MRS Office Collage

Creativity is contagious, pass it on…

Look who’s talking…

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

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