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Business As Usual At MRS Digital – Covid-19

Following the continuing announcements from the government on the escalation of Covid-19, we wanted to make sure you were kept in the loop on how Covid-19 is affecting MRS and our customers. We understand that now, more than ever, you need your marketing agency to be as proactive and responsive as possible, from a campaign and service perspective, as your business continues to adapt to this evolving situation.

The most important message that we want to send to you all is that our service will continue, uninterrupted. As of today we are still working from the office and are monitoring all activity very closely. However, we are no longer hosting internal or attending external meetings with clients or suppliers.

With that being said, we are also aware that this situation will continue to evolve and the health and wellbeing of each of our staff members is of absolute paramount. This means that, in the near future, we may need to send staff home. In that scenario there will be absolutely no disruption to the service you have come to expect and rely on from MRS. Our team are equipped to work remotely and will continue to provide a full level of support to each and every one of you.

We continue to take this situation extremely seriously and are monitoring all accounts very closely to ensure we adapt accordingly. This is all with the ultimate aim of enabling us all to weather this storm collectively.

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to get in touch with the business or your account manager. Let’s remain strong and come out of this stronger.

Look who’s talking…

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