MRS Digital Blog


We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • OMG, GTM! Why is my Form Submission Tag not Firing?

    Sometimes, Google Tag Manager just. won’t. work. It doesn’t matter how closely you’ve followed instructions, how much training you’ve had, or how many previous Google Tag Manager accounts you’ve set up. It’s infuriating. It’s stressful. But when you solve the problem, it’s so satisfying (and definitely worthy of a fist bump in the office). Across […]

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  • Schema Markup for Dummies: An MRS Guide 2020

    Schema markup is one of the most under-utilised SEO techniques out there. This is surprising, because it is one of the most valuable and powerful tools available to search engine marketers in 2020. So, why are people missing out? Well, check out this introduction to schema markup on vocabulary can be used with […]

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  • How to Prepare for Black Friday 2019 [Checklist]

    In 2019, Black Friday will be on the 29th November. Is your ecommerce site ready? It’s never too early to prepare for the biggest online shopping weekend of the year. It is estimated that £1.49bn was spent online on Black Friday 2018 – an increase of +7.3% from 2017. Can you afford not to be prepared? […]

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  • Brighton SEO April 2018 Roundup – Slides Included

    The first Brighton SEO of 2018 is here! April’s event will bring delegates together to listen to the industry’s digital experts, with topics including content marketing, paid search, ecommerce, email marketing, analytics, ranking factors and much more. Here’s our roundup of the event as it happens, slides included. Check Out Our Previous Brighton SEO Roundups:Brighton […]

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  • How to Pick the Perfect Keywords for Your Content

    The perfect keywords don’t just signpost your content to search. They can be the very reason content is written in the first place. Here’s why: There’s no point in writing content if no one can find it. If you’re relying on search to get your content or your business found, you need to use keywords […]

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  • What it’s like to work in SEO

    Working in SEO… Everything always changes. All the time. Constantly. Working in SEO, you have to be prepared to deal with change – and a lot of it. This can be both beneficial and detrimental depending on how you look at it. The positives are that one, you are never bored – and two, your […]

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  • Around the World in 30 Search Engines

    With the all-consuming monolith that is Google continuing to absorb more and more of the global search market, we thought it would be fun to step out of the Google-verse and explore some of the lesser known search engines from around the world. It’s Google’s world… we just live in it Est. 4 September 1998, […]

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  • Should I Use the New Google Search Console Beta?

    UPDATE 16/02/18: The Google Search Console Beta has now been expanded to include its new AMP Status Report. Read more here. Webmasters and SEOs rejoice! It’s been a long time coming, but Google has finally almost updated Google Search Console (the artist formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools). As of the 7th February 2018, Google’s […]

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  • 7 Digital Marketing Predictions for 2018

    Happy New Year from the team here at MRS! We’re looking ahead to what the future holds for digital marketing. 2018 promises to be a big year in all aspects of digital marketing. Compliance changes like GDPR are promising to transform our inboxes, while Facebook continues to amalgamate as many services as possible into its […]

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