MRS Digital Blog


We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • How to Guest Blog in 2022

    Having the opportunity to write a guest article for a prestigious website is an exciting honour for any blogger or content writer. But, beyond the personal satisfaction of publishing in new spaces, earning guest articles is essential to a business’s digital marketing strategy. 10 Guest Blogging Tips Know your stuff Network, network, network! Send a […]

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  • Google SERP Changes 2020 – A Brief History & Cautionary Tale

    It’s no secret Google likes to change up its search engine results pages – in fact it’s common to see experiments being tested frequently. Whether it’s to adapt to the changing ways users are searching or to increase click through on their ads, one thing’s for sure – when it comes to SEO, we need to evolve to keep up.  Most significantly […]

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  • Search Engines: Where Are They Now?

    For many generations, culture before the Internet was kitschy and beige. This moment was relished for its television jingles, Tetris, disembodied radio babble, and those Nokia ringtones we inherited. The laundry list goes on like a familiar song to forgotten lyrics: there’s the cheer of a Sega Mega Drive powering on; the mechanical suction of a VCR gulping up a taped copy of Terminator 2; a pocketful of Gameboy that help us escape during the holidays.   Yet, from the universe of sounds that connect […]

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  • Bing Search Statistics 2020

    Search is a numbers game. So, how does Bing stack up? 40: that’s the number of languages that Microsoft’s Bing translates into, according to a survey on the search engine’s most fascinating statistics. In a world with widening horizons, Bing holds the second largest market share with its shy 4.4% in the UK, and a […]

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  • How to Write a Blog Post: Step by Step for Beginners

    Writing a successful blog post requires a big investment. The author must spend plenty of time properly researching their topic, as well as appreciate what they’re dealing with in terms of competing content. Before worrying about this, however, first-time bloggers need to gain a good understanding of what it takes to write content that reads […]

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  • How to Increase Dwell Time on Your Website Now!

    Dwell time… you’ve likely heard the term floating around once or twice, but what actually is it? And most importantly, how concerned do you need to be about it?   What is Dwell Time?  The definition for dwell time can often be confused with other metrics, such as average session duration, average time on page and bounce rate. […]

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  • How to Prepare for the Google Page Experience Update in 2021 [+ Checklist]

    What is the Google Page Experience update & when is it happening?  On the 28th May 2020, Google announced they will be releasing a new ranking algorithm coined the Google Page Experience update. And, from our perspective, it’s one you definitely want to pay attention to.  Google later announced that the Google Page Experience update will be put into place in May 2021. Shape up […]

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  • Citations vs Backlinks: What’s the difference?

    Citations and backlinks can both benefit your SEO in similar ways but it’s important to be able to differentiate them. Citations are slightly harder to comprehend than backlinks, as you can receive citations in different forms. Check our guide below on how to differentiate the two, and build them into your SEO strategy.    What’s The Difference Between a Citation and […]

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  • Are Title Tags Still Important for SEO in 2019?

    Title tags are still an important SEO factor in 2019. They are a key element of helping Google understand what your page is about, so it can serve your page to the right person. The weight and relevancy of your content will work to build your page’s ranking. But having keyword targeted title tags will help push […]

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