MRS Digital Blog


We live and breathe all things digital marketing here at MRS. From the latest Google updates to must-know tips and tricks, find out all the juicy MRS and industry gossip right here.

  • What are Core Web Vitals? – A Guide

    Core Web Vitals. You’ve probably heard about them by now. Released as part of Google’s Page Experience update, which was originally scheduled for roll out in May 2021, postponed to mid-June 2021 and finally completed in August 2021, there has understandably been a number of questions being asked about it since.  If you’re still not sure – […]

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  • Google’s New Generative AI Search Experience – An SEO’s Perspective

    AI – it’s every marketer’s favourite buzzword of the moment. We’ve had ChatGPT, we’ve had Bard, and it appears everyone now wants a slice of the action. From getting AI to do the ‘dirty’ work – solve problems, write code, streamline tasks, and answer questions – what’s the next step for AI? Perhaps, we’ll make […]

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  • Schema Markup for Dummies: An MRS Guide 2023

    You don’t need to be a web developer to understand schema markup. Discover the what’s, how’s and where’s in plain English, simply explained.

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  • Search Updates – January ’23 Changes

    From algorithm updates finishing their rollout to Microsoft’s plans to integrate with ChatGPT, January certainly did not disappoint. Read on to discover the changes in the world of search.

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  • Scrolling or Searching? TikTok; Gen Z’s Search Engine

    TikTok. Until lockdown in 2020, the name TikTok was that of a Ke$ha song to many, rather than the next viral social media platform. Valued at nearly $50 billion in 2021, and reaching 740 million new users the same year, TikTok is quickly taking over as the firm favourite social media platform.   TikTok rose to […]

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  • Search Updates – October ’22 Changes

    October was another update-packed month, with mobile SERP updates, UA 360 date changes, and a major YouTube update.

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  • What is a Good Keyword Search Volume?

    Whether you’re completely new to the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or are an experienced SEO specialist identifying what a good keyword volume is can be tricky. Find out more today.

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  • How to Change Your Site Name and Favicon in Mobile SERP

    Google has changed the mobile SERPs again – we’ll show you how to easily set your site name and favicon in the search result snippets.

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  • Google Search Updates – September ’22 Changes

    Two major algorithm updates, one ‘Search On’ conference, and a whole host of other major announcements made September an exciting month for search. Read about the recent updates in our latest blog post.

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