MRS Digital Blog

Author: Jade Powter

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  • How to Get Featured Snippets in Google in 2023

    Position 0 is the new position 1. With voice search still gaining momentum, featured snippets are more valuable than ever. Discover how to get featured.

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  • How to Guest Blog in 2022

    Having the opportunity to write a guest article for a prestigious website is an exciting honour for any blogger or content writer. But, beyond the personal satisfaction of publishing in new spaces, earning guest articles is essential to a business’s digital marketing strategy. 10 Guest Blogging Tips Know your stuff Network, network, network! Send a […]

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  • Google SERP Changes 2020 – A Brief History & Cautionary Tale

    It’s no secret Google likes to change up its search engine results pages – in fact it’s common to see experiments being tested frequently. Whether it’s to adapt to the changing ways users are searching or to increase click through on their ads, one thing’s for sure – when it comes to SEO, we need to evolve to keep up.  Most significantly […]

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  • A Brief History of Search Engines

    Google recently turned 18 years old (they grow up so fast…) and the search engine remains the UK’s favourite means of scouring the web. But do you remember any of the previous means of searching online? Take a trip down memory lane and explore some of the other notable avenues of search that will leave […]

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