MRS Digital Blog

Author: Jade Powter

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  • How to use RegEx in Google Search Console

    Have you ever been using Google Search Console and found it a pain when you have to perform multiple filters on URLs or queries to analyse performance the way you want? This is where Google Search Console’s new regular expression feature comes into play. Added in April 2021, Search Console’s regex filtering enables you to […]

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  • Titlepocalypse – Google is Re-writing Title Tags in SERPs

    In August 2021, it was spotted by many that Google was changing title tags entirely. We’ve seen Google make small changes to title tags before, but this time it’s different. After much speculation, Google announced that they have indeed updated the way that the search engine generates titles – and it’s quite the change! People began to report […]

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  • How to Use Google Search Console for Keyword Research

    Google Search Console (GSC) is a tool that’s often underutilised by SEOs and content writers. This is surprising, because if used correctly, GSC has some extremely valuable capabilities for enhancing keyword optimisation, benchmarking current performance, and coming up with fresh content ideas. In this blog post, we will be focusing on how you can optimally […]

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  • Search Updates – July ‘21 SEO News Round-Up

    August is here! And we’ve survived (yet another) month of algorithm updates.  Fortunately, we had a warning for July’s update – as a part two to June’s Core update. However, we weren’t privy to the Link Spam update that came out at the end of the month – surprise! If you’ve lost track of everything that’s gone […]

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  • Search Round Up June 2021

    What a month! June has been an algorithmic rollercoaster, and with so many other updates coming our way, this is a round-up you’ll want to pay attention to. A Pause on Cookiepocalypse – Google Delays Cookie-Blocking Plan by Two Years Cookiepocalypse – the controversial plan for Chrome to block third party cookies – may be […]

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  • Bing Ranking Factors: What Can We Learn?

    With SEO, it’s likely you know the basics. You understand the importance of relevant optimised content, a great page experience, and authoritative backlinks acquired naturally. However, when it comes to ranking your website in Bing specifically, do you know the key differences compared to Google? Well, fortunately for you, Bing has published its ‘Bing Webmaster Guidelines’ […]

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  • Search Updates May 2021

    In our monthly search update blog, we outline the main updates and changes within the search engine landscape for May, whether they’re minor or major. This month, Google has made some algorithm updates alongside an interesting LGBTQ themed update from Yelp ahead of Pride Month. Read on to find out more.   Google Adds Links To Featured Snippets Leading Back To Google Search Results  Google has begun adding links to […]

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  • What Are Zero-Click Searches and Why Should You Care?

    Zero-click searches are queries that users input within a search engine that don’t lead to a click on a web property. Discover why they occur and their impact.

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  • Search Updates April 2021

    In our monthly search update blog, we’ll outline the main updates and changes within search for that month, whether they’re minor or major. This month, we’ve seen some important updates, including the postpone of the Google Page Experience Update, the evolution of zero-click search, and more, read on to discover more on this month’s updates. […]

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