Mobile SEO Services
We Know Audiences Behave Differently on Mobile
With about 60% of Google searches being made on mobile devices, businesses and marketers ignore mobile SEO at their peril. Today, top brands are using specialist mobile SEO services to get ahead of the competition in Google. Having a website optimised for mobile is no longer a preferred requirement, but an absolute must. Design, speed and user experience are more important than ever, so do you want to be left in the dust?
So You Think You’re Mobile Friendly?
Mobile SEO starts with a website that’s responsive to mobile. A website designed with mobile in mind is an absolute must if you want to reach your mobile audience.
Users are far more discerning when using a mobile than when they’re using their desktop computers. They want websites that load quickly, look great and are easy to use. Consumers are more likely to recommend and buy from the business that has a better mobile experience. A website that just works on mobile isn’t enough, you need a mobile site that wows! If your mobile site is just phoning it in, your audience will move on, it’s as simple as that.
SEO. Mobile SEO. What’s the Difference?
The answer? Behaviour.
SEO, at its heart, is all about meeting users’ needs effectively. Users’ search behaviour is different on mobile compared to PC, so a mobile SEO strategy needs to be approached differently. The most effective mobile SEO strategies take user behaviour into consideration. We pride ourselves on using industry leading data, rigorous measurement and a broad range of expertise to provide the best foundation for all of our mobile SEO strategies.
Mobilise your SEO Strategy
As an experienced mobile SEO agency we work closely with you to truly understand your business and website, helping you expand in a largely undervalued area of growth. Assisted by our in-house design and development teams, we can take your strategy from ideation to implementation. Ultimately, fully realised mobile SEO not only grows your website visitorship, but results in more satisfied web users.
Increase in search visibility in 6 months
in conjunction with 123% Increase in estimated local click share and 21% growth in website visitors in first 6 weeks
Percent Increase in Organic mobile traffic
I would definitely recommend MRS for any brand activity in the digital / social media space
Mobile SEO Considerations & Best Practice
We’ve found that mobile search behaviour follows its own unique patterns. For example, people are for more likely want quick answers to questions and information searches when on mobile. This behaviour has a massive impact on mobile SEO strategy.
Almost a fifth of local mobile searches lead to a purchase on the same day. This shows the importance of location-based search. Mobile SEO allows you to better tap into “near me” searches (e.g. “restaurants near me”).
Understanding key information about your mobile audience, such as age and gender, allows for better targeted strategies that yield better results.
Search Results
Google looks different on mobile. If you aren’t considering how your site looks in mobile search results then you’re missing a trick, one that will cost you clickthrough rate!
Mornings and evenings reign when it comes to mobile search. 50% of mobile users grab their phone as soon as they wake up. This, too, needs to be considered.
Shopping behaviour
People still prefer to complete purchases on their PCs, but use their devices to research product decisions. Omni-channel shoppers are more valuable than any other, so tapping into mobile buying behaviour is key to reaching these valuable customers.
Bounce Rate
Mobile users are more than twice as likely to immediately bounce back to their search results. This is because modern mobile users demand mobile optimised sites. Google knows this and the cream will always rise to the top of search.
Site Speed
With patchy 3G/4G/wi-fi still a big issue for most mobile users, it’s essential that your site is optimised to load quickly no matter how many bars you’re on.
Ease Of use
Your website has to be easy to use, easy to read and be tailored to mobile use. If it isn’t, people will leave and never look back.
App Usage
SEO for apps is a discipline in itself, but with apps being shown more and more in search, it is important you consider how your apps will be found.
So, what next?
Just want a chat over a coffee without being sold to? No problem. Want an in-depth proposal complete with detailed costings? Brilliant! We’re here to help, so take the next step that’s best for you.